OMG so many Homeworks!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
OMG!! So many homeworks!! Its just the seconds, third or forth day of school.. Homeworks came rolling in to my bag! Its so the heavy and tired.. These days ned stay back in school for CCA. Haiz.. Saturday got performance.. The stupid performance lah.. Only those ned to blow de ned perform. I was like wad the?!?!?!? Wad poor me... End here bahs got LOADS of homeworks ta do. Ta Ta
OMG so many Homeworks!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
OMG!! So many homeworks!! Its just the seconds, third or forth day of school.. Homeworks came rolling in to my bag! Its so the heavy and tired.. These days ned stay back in school for CCA. Haiz.. Saturday got performance.. The stupid performance lah.. Only those ned to blow de ned perform. I was like wad the?!?!?!? Wad poor me... End here bahs got LOADS of homeworks ta do. Ta Ta
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